الخميس، 8 نوفمبر 2018

Compound Words Starting With Back

الدرس السابق ⇚

A. Look at the extract from Text A on page 80. What does the word in bold mean?
Against the backdrop of this increasingly uncertain world,...

B. Read the sentences below and match the words in bold with their definitions.
1. 􀀶mall enterprises are considered to be the
bac􀁎b􀁒􀁑e of commerce in my country􀀑
2. Everything will work out􀀏 as long as our plan
doesn􀁩t bac􀁎􀁉􀁌􀁕e􀀑
􀀖. We will need a bac􀁎􀁘􀁓 plan in case something
goes wrong􀀑
􀀗.􀀃 􀀪ardening can be bac􀁎b􀁕ea􀁎􀁌􀁑􀁊 work􀀑
􀀘.􀀃 􀀷he increase in salary we got in 􀀭une was
bac􀁎da􀁗ed to the beginning of the year􀀑
􀀙.􀀃 􀀷he businessman had to bac􀁎􀁗􀁕ac􀁎 on his decision
after he realised what a big investment the project required.  (  )
􀀚. 􀀷he little town is so bac􀁎􀁚a􀁕d􀀏 they don't even
have indoor plumbing!  (  )
􀀛. 􀀤fter the mall opened􀀏 many small shops closed in the backwash. (  )

a. an unpleasant situation coming as a result of something
b. a second set of something in case the first one doesn't work
c. what gives strength to something
d. not developed
e. to have an undesired result
f. to change an earlier opinion􀀏 statement or decision
g. requiring physical effort and tiring
h. to make effective from an earlier time

A. Look at the extract from Text A on page 80. What
does the word in bold mean?
Against the backdrop of this increasingly uncertain world,...

• The prefixes un- and in- are used before adjectives
and adverbs to give them the opposite meaning
(usual – unusual, correct – incorrect).
• Instead of in- we use the prefixes im- when the
word starts with m or p (moral – immoral, perfect –
imperfect) il- when the word starts with l (legal –
illegal) and ir- when the word starts with r
(regular – irregular).
• The suffix -less is used after a noun to form an
adjective which means not having (end – endless).

B. Read the text and complete the blanks with the
correct form of the words in capitals.

􀀩or many years 􀀥ra􀁝ilian football legend
􀀳el􀃔 and his number one rival􀀏 􀀤rgentine
Diego 􀀰aradona􀀏 were
􀀋1􀀌 o f being in the
same room together􀀑 􀀼et in 􀀕􀀓􀀔􀀓􀀏 at the
opening of a newly built sports academy
in 􀀴atar􀀏 the seemingly
􀀋2􀀌 b ecame possible and
the two sworn enemies shook hands and
embraced􀀑 􀀫ow did organisers make this
􀀋􀀖􀀌 r eunion a reality? 􀀬t
was the belief that anything is possible
as long as you have the will and the
money􀀑 􀀬t was no doubt this same belief
that led 􀀴atar to the even greater and
􀀋􀀗􀀌 achievement of
winning the bid to host the 􀀕􀀓􀀕􀀕 World
Cup 􀀩inals􀀑 􀀰any had believed that
􀀴atar􀁩s bid was like a
􀀋􀀘􀀌 d ream􀀑 World Cup
finals taking place in the
􀀋􀀙􀀌 summer heat and
hosted by such a new and small
country􀀏 seemed 􀀋􀀚􀀌 􀀑
􀀫owever􀀏 􀀴atar proved its determination
and persuaded 􀀩􀀬􀀩􀀤 that any doubts
were 􀀋􀀛􀀌 􀀑 􀀵evolutionary
cooling systems are being developed that
use solar power􀀏 which will eventually
benefit the lives of people beyond the
borders of 􀀴atar and well after the World
Cup 􀀩inals􀀑 􀀷his􀀏 along with
􀀋􀀜􀀌 other innovations
and proposals that 􀀴atar is developing
in preparation for the World Cup􀀏 ensure
that 􀀕􀀓􀀕􀀕 will be an 􀀋1􀀓􀀌
year for football􀀏 throughout the Middle East and beyond.


A. Think of one word only that can be used appropriately
in all three sentences. One of the three sentences in
each group has been taken from the listening activity.

􀀤fter being vaccinated􀀏 you might a
slight fever􀀑
􀀬 should be back in an hour or so􀀞 􀀬 􀁍ust have a few
errands to 􀀑
􀀫ow do you manage to study for a degree and
your own business?

- 2- 
􀀬 think at the o f the day it was worth
going to university􀀑
Don􀁩t be so upset􀀞 it􀁩s not the o f the
world􀀑 􀀼ou can always buy a new camera􀀑
Dan would sit in his room playing computer games for
hours on 􀀑

􀀬 really don􀁩t w here we go for lunch
􀁍ust as long as it􀁩s not too far􀀑
􀀷he experience served to broaden my
and challenge me􀀑
your tongue􀀏 young man and don􀁩t
let me hear you saying things like that about your
brother again􀀄

B. Now match the words/phrases with the meanings below.
a. manage
b. have higher body
temperature than
c. go out and do or buy

a. without stopping
b. it's not a serious
c. taking everything
important into

a. awareness of things
b. care
c. watch

C. Complete the sentences with the words used in exercise A and decide which meaning a or b is correct.

1. Does the 􀁍 ustify the means?
a. purpose
b. fre􀁔uency
2. 􀀰ake up your 􀀞 are you coming or not?
a. be prepared
b. decide
􀀖. 􀀬􀁩m sure you􀁩ll manage to do it if you set your to
a. decide to do it and put effort into it
b.􀀃be ready and work carefully
􀀗. 􀀫e􀁩s a liar and a hypocrite􀀏 and you should never have
trusted him􀀑 of story􀀑
a. that􀁩s how the story ended
b. those are the undeniable facts
􀀘. 􀀷im is much better at tennis than 􀀬 am􀀏 but 􀀬 gave him a
f or his money􀀑
a.􀀃made him pay for the use of the tennis court
b. didn􀁩t let him win easily

examination practice


عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 6 ⇐ Vocabulary Lesson

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