الأربعاء، 21 نوفمبر 2018

Simple past tense: be, regular and irregular verbs

Form, Meaning and Function
Simple Past Tense: Be
How were the burglars caught? There were security cameras everywhere.

Was the pickpocket sorry for his crime? Yes, he was. He apologized to the victim.
Simple Past Tense: Regular and Irregular Verbs
What did the police do? They arrested the criminal. They didn’t arrest the man.
Where did they go after they were arrested? They went to police station. They didn’t go to the police station.

Time Expressions for the Past
The armed robber stole a car yesterday. Nathalie forgot to lock the door last night.
The burglar went to jail in 2006. I went to Oman three years ago.

The Past with Used to and Would
We use used to + be to talk about past states that are no longer true:
Q: What did you use to be afraid of when you were younger?
A: I used to be afraid of elevators. I always took the stairs instead.
We use used to + verb and would + verb to talk about past habits that are no longer true:
Q: Did you use to travel a lot in your job?
A: Yes, I used to (would) travel to a new place every year. I didn’t use to like it much and now I prefer to stay in one place.

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