الخميس، 22 نوفمبر 2018

Simple present tense versus present progressive

Form, Meaning and Function
Simple Present Tense
Use the simple present tense for facts or things that are true in general.
The Saudi Riyal (RS) is the official currency of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
It takes one million years for a glass bottle to decompose.
My parents don’t read printed newspapers anymore.
Does Qatar belong to the United Arab Emirates?

Simple Present versus Present Progressive
Use the simple present to talk about habits or routines.
Use the present progressive for actions occurring now or for a temporary situation.
The temperatures change with the seasons of the year. (habit or routine)
The temperatures in the poles are changing drastically. (happening now)
John lives in Quebec, but he is studying in France this year.
Note: Some verbs are not often used in the progressive form:
believe, forget, hear, know, like, love, need, prefer, remember, see, understand, want, realize.

Time Expressions for the Present
We are currently studying for examinations. At present there are measures in place to tackle climate change.
Most people recycle these days. Air travel is more affordable now than it was in the past.

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2AfeDaM

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