الأحد، 18 نوفمبر 2018

Present Perfect Simple Tense

Form, Meaning and Function
Present Perfect Simple Tense
Use the present perfect to talk about actions that started at an indefinite time in the past.
It is often used to talk about time from the past to now in a person’s life.
Q: Have you been to Qatar?
A: Yes, I’ve been to Qatar. I have visited many places in the Middle East.
Use the present perfect to talk about recently completed actions.
Mohammad Abdul Latif Jameel has contributed greatly to the government’s Saudization
program in the Kingdom.
Use the present perfect simple to emphasis an action that started in the past and has continued until now and may
continue in the future.
Li Ka-Shing has lived in China for all his life.

Time Expressions with For and Since
Use the present perfect simple tense with for to indicate the duration of the action: for two months, for a year, for a long time.
Use the present perfect simple with since to indicate when the action began: since yesterday, since last June.

Questions with How Long
Q: How long has the clothing store been in operation? A: It’s been in operation since 1975.
It’s been in operation for 40 years..

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2DKVou3

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