A. Complete the table with the missing words.
B. Complete the sentences with words from the table above. You may need to change the form of the
1. Mr Collins reported the of his car to the police.
2. Parents shouldn’t leave young children alone in publicplaces, as someone might them.
3. Fortunately, the police arrived in time to stop the bank in progress.
4. Two people were caught at the mall this morning.
5. The airline is increasing its security in order to prevent further .
6. They found the hiding in the library with a knife in his hand.
A. Match the verbs 1-7 with the words/phrases a-g to form collocations connected with crime and
1. pay
2. commit
3. serve
4. plead
5. break
6. take
7. reach
a. the law
b. a verdict
c. to court
d. time
e. a fine
f. a crime
g. guilty
B. Complete the sentences with some of the collocations above. You will need to change the
form of some of the verbs.
1. I didn’t pay my phone bill on time, so the company made me .
2. We all thought Tim was an honest person, so we were shocked to hear that he had such a serious .
3. The jury took over three days to
in the murder case.
4. In some countries you are when you litter the streets.
5. Brian decided to his neighbour because he was always making noise at night
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in the boxes.
rob - steal - burgle- mug
1. The police received a tip that someone was planning to t he bank.
2. Someone tried to my grandfather the other day, but he beat him with his cane.
3. Someone opened my briefcase and my passport.
4. The Smiths’ home was last week.
avoid - prevent - ban - forbid
5. Many states in the U.S. have smoking in all public buildings.
6. The criminal wanted to serving his jail sentence, so he left the country.
7. I you to leave your room, young lady!
8. There are many ways that you can forest fires.
victim - hostage - witness
9. No one ever feels safe again once they’ve been the of a crime.
10. The bank robbers are holding over twenty in the bank.
11. There were five at the scene of the accident who all agree that it was caused by the driver
of the blue car.
blame - accuse - charge - convict - sentence
12. The campers were for setting fire to the forest.
13. Tony his boss of stealing money from the company.
14. The criminal was to life in prison.
15. The police have enough evidence to the man with forgery.
16. He was of blackmail and spent many years in prison.
A. Look at the words in bold in the sentences below.
What do you think they mean? Choose a or b.
1. The list is endless.
a. coming to an end b. having no end
2. That sounds incredible.
a. impossible to believe b. easy to believe
3. Can you think of any unusual laws?
a. common b. strange
4. It is illegal to transport a bowl of fish on a public bus.
a. according to the law b. against the law
5. Some stupid laws could be harmful to people.
a. causing harm b. without harm
• The prefixes un- and in- are used before adjectives and adverbs to give them the opposite
meaning (usual – unusual, correct – incorrect).
• Instead of in- we use the prefixes im- (when the word starts with m or p), il- (when the word starts
with l) and ir- (when the word starts with r).
• The suffix -ful is used after a noun to form an adjective which means ‘having enough of’
(care – careful).
• The suffix -less is used after a noun to form an adjective which means ‘not having’
(end – endless).
B. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. Despite their efforts, scientists were t o explain the phenomenon.
2. She found it t o keep to her diet, so she gave up after a couple of days.
3. My brother is a author he has had several books published.
4. It was o f arry to drive so fast when it was raining because he could have caused an accident.
5. It was t o spend so much on a pair of shoes that were so uncomfortable.
6. The forest fire was started by a group of teenagers who lit a camp fire in the night.
7. This heating system is very b ecause it uses lots of energy without heating up the room quickly.
8. Alice felt b ecause she couldn't rescue the injured bird.
examination practice
A. Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes the sentence.
1. Fadi his brother for missing their flight to Rome.
a. accused
b. blamed
c. charged
d. shouted
2. The robbers made their in a fast sports car.
a. runaway
b. entrance
c. getaway
d. exit
3. The police officer the criminal's gun.
a. resisted
b. arrested
c. seied
d. robbed
4. The mystery of Stonehenge is still to this day .
a. important
b. impossible
c. unsuitable
d. inexplicable
5. The thieves with a million euros.
a. made off
b. went through
c. held up
d. made up
6. He couldn't with the deal so he cancelled it at
the last minute.
a. decide on
b. make off
c. pick out
d. go through
7. Charles Lindbergh's baby was from his home.
a. stolen
b. burgled
c. kidnapped
d. robbed
8. Gafar's parents h im to go out with his friends.
a. encouraged
b. prevented
c. arranged
d. offered
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