A. Look at the extract from the text on page 69 and answer the questions that follow.
The Palm Olive also boosts social awareness by donating any unwanted furniture to a local charity to be reused or recycled.
- Does reuse mean use again? Yes.
- Does recycle mean cycle again? No.
Note: ملاحظة
The prefix re- is used before verbs and nouns deriving from verbs, and often - but not always -
means again (e.g. retell means tell again, but repair doesn’t mean pair again).
B. Read the following sentences. In which of the words in bold does re- mean again? Match the rest of the words with their meanings in the box.
narrate - try to find information - bring back to a previous condition - decrease - find a solution - suggest - change
1. They are going to rebuild the bridge that collapsed in the earthquake. build again
2. If everyone would reduce the amount of driving they do, the amount of pollution would lessen. decrease
3. He has recounted the story of how he got the job at least 100 times. narrate
4. Are there any dishes which you recommend I try? suggest
5. I can’t read this, can you please rewrite it more neatly? write again
6. They are going to restore the 16th century museum in the main square.
bring back to a previous condition
7. Why can’t you two just talk to each other like adults and resolve your differences?
find a solution
8. I know you’re lying to me, so would you like to revise your story? change
9. I spent the whole morning in the library researching for my project.
try to find information
عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 5 ⇐ Vocabulary Lesson
from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2QeLrrm
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