الاثنين، 12 نوفمبر 2018

Round-up 1

الدرس السابق ⇚
1 Round-up
A. Match.
1. fellow 􀁄. sheep
2. public 􀁅. speaking
3. runny 􀁆. students
4. flock of 􀁇. nose
5. lamp 􀁈. throat
6. sore 􀁉. post

B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
crew - suggest -make -skin - examine - audience- nerves -get
1. The l oved the lecture.
2. Andy really gets on my .
3. We need to a n appointment with Dr
4. The doctor will t he child first before
giving medication.
5. When the strange man walked towards me􀀏 I
nearly 􀁍umped out of my .
6. Salman wants to stay home and
some rest tonight.
􀀚. I you tell Sameer the truth.
􀀛. The o n the plane were very polite.

C. Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. We􀁩ve run o f sugar. How am I going
to make the cake?
2. Tony suffers s evere headaches􀀏 but he
doesn􀁩t know how to deal them.
3. Sorry􀀏 I can􀁩t talk to you right now. I􀁩m
a hurry􀀄 I􀁩m m y way to
the bank.
4. 􀀸A􀀨 stands 􀀸nited Arab 􀀨mirates.
5. 􀀰y brother is disappointed because his team lost􀀏
but he􀁩ll get it.
6. 􀀦an I lie o n your sofa for a bit? I feel


عودة لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 2 ⇐ { Vocabulary Lesson }

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2DB1XPS

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