الجمعة، 2 نوفمبر 2018



A. Complete the sentences below with the missing prepositions. Then, look back at the text on pages
58-59 to check your answers.

The reason t his is that most of what we do today is aimed at some kind of benefit or outcome in the future.
...this may not be the best solution the problem.

B. Complete the sentences with the nouns in the box.
description- need - threat - increase - result -advantage -opinion- hope- comparison- exception

1. What's the main advantage of studying abroad?
2. There is no way to make a(n) comparison between the two boys, because they are very different.
3. His description of the hotel room wasn't very accurate.
4. Most of the members of this family have red hair, but Brad is the exception to the rule.
5. The doctor said that there is still hope for a speedy recovery.

6. This year saw a(n) need in investments by 10%.
7. Because of the high crime rate, there is a(n) need for more police officers on the streets.
8. What's your opinion of our new teacher?
9. As a(n) result of overspending, the company has gone bankrupt.
10. The destruction of the rainforest is a(n) threat to the wildlife of the area.

عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 5 ⇐ Vocabulary Lesson

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2Ol27M8

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