الأحد، 11 نوفمبر 2018

Negative prefixes and suffixes

الدرس السابق ⇚

A. Look at the extract from Text A on page 80. What
does the word in bold mean?
Against the backdrop of this increasingly uncertain world,...

• The prefixes un- and in- are used before adjectives
and adverbs to give them the opposite meaning
(usual – unusual, correct – incorrect).
• Instead of in- we use the prefixes im- when the
word starts with m or p (moral – immoral, perfect –
imperfect) il- when the word starts with l (legal –
illegal) and ir- when the word starts with r
(regular – irregular).
• The suffix -less is used after a noun to form an
adjective which means not having (end – endless).

B. Read the text and complete the blanks with the
correct form of the words in capitals.

􀀩or many years 􀀥ra􀁝ilian football legend
􀀳el􀃔 and his number one rival􀀏 􀀤rgentine
Diego 􀀰aradona􀀏 were
􀀋1􀀌 o f being in the
same room together􀀑 􀀼et in 􀀕􀀓􀀔􀀓􀀏 at the
opening of a newly built sports academy
in 􀀴atar􀀏 the seemingly
􀀋2􀀌 b ecame possible and
the two sworn enemies shook hands and
embraced􀀑 􀀫ow did organisers make this
􀀋􀀖􀀌 r eunion a reality? 􀀬t
was the belief that anything is possible
as long as you have the will and the
money􀀑 􀀬t was no doubt this same belief
that led 􀀴atar to the even greater and
􀀋􀀗􀀌 achievement of
winning the bid to host the 􀀕􀀓􀀕􀀕 World
Cup 􀀩inals􀀑 􀀰any had believed that
􀀴atar􀁩s bid was like a
􀀋􀀘􀀌 d ream􀀑 World Cup
finals taking place in the
􀀋􀀙􀀌 summer heat and
hosted by such a new and small
country􀀏 seemed 􀀋􀀚􀀌 􀀑
􀀫owever􀀏 􀀴atar proved its determination
and persuaded 􀀩􀀬􀀩􀀤 that any doubts
were 􀀋􀀛􀀌 􀀑 􀀵evolutionary
cooling systems are being developed that
use solar power􀀏 which will eventually
benefit the lives of people beyond the
borders of 􀀴atar and well after the World
Cup 􀀩inals􀀑 􀀷his􀀏 along with
􀀋􀀜􀀌 other innovations
and proposals that 􀀴atar is developing
in preparation for the World Cup􀀏 ensure
that 􀀕􀀓􀀕􀀕 will be an 􀀋1􀀓􀀌
year for football􀀏 throughout the Middle East and beyond.


عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 6 ⇐ Vocabulary Lesson

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