الأحد، 11 نوفمبر 2018

Expressions with get

الدرس السابق ⇚


A. Look at the extract from text A on page 66. What does the phrase in bold mean?
One that would tone their muscles, build strength and
endurance and get rid of extra kilos....

B. Match the expressions in bold with their meanings.
1. It’s so unfair that sometimes the wrong people seem to get the sack. (  )
2. Their lack of manners really gets on my nerves. (  )
3. Alright everyone, we don’t have much time, so let’s get down to business. (  )
4. Mark my words, I’ll get even with him for what he’s done.(  )
5. Don’t worry, we won’t let them get the better of us! (  )
6. No matter what those kids do, they always end up getting into trouble when they’re together.(  )

a. to start work
b. to take revenge
c. to lose one’s job
d. to face problems or difficulties
e. to annoy
f. to defeat

عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 6 ⇐ Vocabulary Lesson

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