الأحد، 11 نوفمبر 2018

examination practice

الدرس السابق ⇚
examination practice

B. Read the text below and complete the gaps. Use only one word in each gap.
A vision for well-being Providing a high quality of life for their citizens should be a priority (1) all countries around the world and nowhere is this challenge taken more seriously (2) in Saudi Arabia. Vision 2030 is a new programme which has been announced by the government (3) the goal of improving the standard of living of the Saudi people to an even higher level. The plan is an ambitious programme which focuses (4) building a strong economy, promoting the well-being of citizens, while maintaining the traditional values so important to society. As physical activity plays an important role in a healthy lifestyle, one aspect of the programme aims at encouraging widespread participation in sports. Currently only about 13% of the population actually work (5) regularly despite the fact that there are many outstanding sports and leisure facilities throughout the country. The goal is (6) i ncrease this to 40%. Emphasis will be placed on promoting sports and physical activity, improving existing facilities as (7) a s developing facilities especially for women. This will be taken one step furtherby introducing a programme aimed at developing athletic standards in all sports. Not (8) w ill people be motivated to exercise, but they will also be inspired to achieve excellence, allowing Saudi Arabia to become a leader in selected sports. Saudi Arabia has already shown what it is capable (9) a chieving by winning championships and constantly increasing (10) n umber of participants in international events. Many more people, especially the younger generation, will certainly find that they are able to become highly qualified representatives of this great country.

عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 6 ⇐ Vocabulary Lesson

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