الخميس، 26 أبريل 2018

شرح قاعدة Reported speech أول ثانوي منهج MegaGoal2 الترم الثاني للصف الأول ثانوي

ملاحظة: الموضوع غير مُكتمل جاري إعداد الموضوع
Reported Speech
Direct Speech Reported Speech
Simple Present Simple Past
“I have a brother and a sister.” He said (that) he had a brother and a sister.
“I don’t like mangoes.” She said (that) she didn’t like mangoes.
Present Progressive Past Progressive
“I’m talking to Mary.” She said she was talking to Mary.
Simple Past Past Perfect
“I learned English in Canada.” He said he had learned English in Canada.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
“I haven’t seen the film yet.” She said she hadn’t seen the film yet.
“I’ll see you later.” She said she would see them later.
“I can’t come to the meeting.” He said he couldn’t come to the meeting.
“I have to/must go to the doctor.” She said she had to go to the doctor.
“We may be late.” I said that we might be late.

Note: The word that may be omitted after said.
عودة لفهرس شرح القواعد ⇐ { MegaGoal2 }

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2HwCqd3

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