الخميس، 26 أبريل 2018

شرح قاعدة If + past perfect + be able to منهج MegaGoal2 للصف الأول ثانوي الترم الثاني

جاري اعداد الموضوع
If with Past Perfect and Would Be Able/Would Have Been Able
Use if + past perfect and be able to talk about ability and missed opportunities.
If I had studied computer science, I would be able to invent a cutting-edge robot. (present ability)
If Dr. Fleming had discovered penicillin sooner, doctors would have been able to save more lives during
World War I. (past ability

عودة للفهرس ⇐ { Mega Goal 2 - الترم الثاني Grammar }

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2HtEX3y

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