جاري اعداد الموضوع
All / Both / Neither / NoneUse all, both, neither and none to compare two or more things, places, animals or people.
All tigers, cheetahs, leopards, and lion are big cats.
Both cheetahs and leopards are fast animals.
Neither tigers nor lions can be domesticated.
None of the big cats can be domesticated. They are all wild animals.
Both… and… / Neither… nor… / Either… or…
Both...and, neither...nor, and either...or are all paired conjunctions. They are used to link two words, phrases, or clauses of the same type. For example, nouns are linked with nouns, adjectives are linked with adjectives, and verbs are linked with verbs.
My favorite animal is either an elephant or a camel.
Both camels and elephants are intelligent animals.
When connecting two subjects with both...and, be sure to use a plural verb.
Both my father and his boss were present in the meeting.
When connecting two subjects using either...or, or neither...nor, the choice to use a singular or plural verb depends on the subject that is closer to the verb.
Neither my uncle nor my brothers want to see that documentary.
Neither my brothers nor my uncle wants to see that documentary.
from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2HxEjoO
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