الثلاثاء، 10 أبريل 2018

شرح قاعدة Noun clauses as reported speech versus quoted speech ميقا قول 6 ثالث ثانوي الترم الثاني

Noun Clauses as Reported Speech versus Quoted Speech
ملاحظة:  الموضوع غير مكتمل, جاري الاعداد.
Quoted speech repeats the exact words that someone said. A comma follows the verb in the main clause, and the quoted speech is placed inside quotation marks.
Reported speech uses a noun clause to paraphrase what someone said. It is not necessary to repeat the exact words, and quotation marks are not used.

عودة لفهرس شرح قاعدات ( ميقا قول 6 )

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2IJGq5T

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