الأربعاء، 25 أبريل 2018

شرح قاعدة Conditional sentences with present and future forms أول ثانوي منهج MegaGoal2 الترم الثاني

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Conditional Sentences with Present and Future Forms
Use conditional sentences with if to talk about real causes and results. In these cases you can also use
when in place of if.
Present Facts
Use the simple present tense in both clauses.
When a meteoroid enters the earth’s atmosphere, chemical interactions
and gasses cause it to heat up and form a fireball.
Future Facts
Use the simple present in the if-clause and the future with will in the result clause.
If you don’t leave now, you will be late.
Use may/might in the result clause to suggest something is possible, but
not certain.
If you see a meteorite falling through the sky, it may be a stony meteorite
or it might be an iron meteorite. The third type of meteorite is a
stony-iron meteorite, but these are very rare.
Express Necessity and Lack of Necessity:
What should I do if I see something strange in the sky?

You need to video or photograph the object, if you have a camera phone.
You have to call an expert to get their opinion.
You don’t need to (needn’t) worry. Strange things fall out of the sky on a
regular basis all around the world!

عودة للفهرس ⇐ { Mega Goal 2 - الترم الثاني Grammar }

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2qYI3oV

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