الأحد، 3 أكتوبر 2021

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal الوحدة الرابعة قسم الكتابة Writing

موضوع الكتابة السابق }

صفحة 62, 63

A. 1. What kind of TV films do you enjoy? Why?

2. Are there categories of TV films that you are not

interested in or you dislike? Which? Why?

3. Can you explain what is meant by “film genres”?

4. Read the text and find out.

• What are genres? How are they defined?

• How easy is it to classify TV films?

• Are there distinct and permanent categories? Why? Why not?

5. What are the distinguishing characteristics of different genres? Underline/highlight

words/phrases or sentences that provide the answer.

B. 1. Think of a TV film genre that uses a formula (e.g. action, adventure, comedy, Western).

Choose a particular TV film in this genre as an example.

2. Think about the different parts of the formula. Use a diagram to make notes.

3. Write an expository essay in which you reveal and explain the formula behind the film.


Writing Corner

When you write an expository essay:

• choose a specific area of a topic to focus on.

• think about your audience or readers.

• research and collect information from different sources.

• think of examples and comments made by others.

• you can use quotes, exchanges, and arguments from your sources.

• if necessary, you can present the information in three main sections:

a. an introduction and thesis statement

b. a longer paragraph or a number of paragraphs presenting the information about

different aspects or categories of the main topic

c. a closing paragraph

• you are free to use different types of text, arguments, and material, including visuals.

موضوع الكتابة التالي }

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3Dd2EcT

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