الأحد، 3 أكتوبر 2021

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal الوحدة الأولى قسم الكتابة Writing

 صفحة 14, 15

A. 1. Do you think it is necessary for people to share the same characteristics in order to get along well

with each other? Why? Why not?

2. Read the text and find out.

• Who are the people involved?

• What kind of people are they? Underline words that provide information about each one.

• In your view, what are the characteristics that they share?

• What do you think might have happened if they both shared exactly the same characteristics

and attitude to life?

a. if they were both like the grandfather

b. if they were both like the grandmother

• Why did the writer choose to describe the particular incident? What do you think it portrays?


3. Read the text again and find out.

• What is the topic of each paragraph? (What or who is the paragraph about?)

• Are all paragraphs about the same length? Why? Why not?

• What words/phrases describe the qualities of each person? Can you think of more?

• Which qualities are demonstrated through the incident?

B. 1. Think about two people you know who are good friends.

2. Using a Venn diagram, write the qualities you feel each person has. In the overlapping portion of the

diagram, write the qualities/characteristics that they share.

3. Write a short essay about the two friends, explaining how they complement each other.

Writing Corner

When you write a descriptive essay about people’s qualities/characteristics:

• think about their positive and negative qualities, their needs and the things they offer, their

attitude to life, typical incidents, etc.

• express your personal feelings/views about the people.

• do not simply write a list of adjectives.

• vary the way you express thoughts, memories, and feelings; use expressions like these:

I think he/she is…, I have always felt that…, I regard him/her as…, He/She seems to…, He/She

tends to…, Anytime I think of…, I have never…, He/She is the most (adjective) person I have ever

known/met, etc.

• use linking devices that indicate similarity and contrast, cause and effect, consequence, reason,

etc.; use a variety of expressions and words like these: due to this…, although…, in spite of…,

while…, compared to…, because of…, as a result, both, etc.

• plan your essay carefully by deciding what/who you are going to focus on in different sections/


• write a first draft, then read it and make corrections or write questions about things you are not

sure about.

• hand over the draft to someone else to read and edit; encourage him/her to write comments

and questions.

• read the comments and edit your essay.

{ موضوع الكتابة التالي }

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3l2pWfc

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