صفحة 100, 101
Tools for Writing: Run-on Sentences
A run-on sentence is a sentence with two or more independent clauses that are incorrectly placed
together without any punctuation or a coordinating conjunction.
Incorrect: You look in the cafeteria I’ll look in the auditorium.
Run-on sentences can be avoided by using a period to separate the clauses into two separate
sentences, or by adding a coordinating conjunction after a comma.
Correct: You look in the cafeteria. I’ll look in the auditorium.
Correct: You look in the cafeteria, and I’ll look in the auditorium.
Correct each run-on sentence in two different ways.
1. The weather has been great it has been warm. 3. He’s tired he doesn’t want to stay out late.
2. She can’t make it she has other plans. 4. I understood the lesson I can help you.
Writing Prompt
Write an essay about tales involving animals in your culture. Include grammar points from Units 4, 5, and 6.
Write Your Essay
1. Think about the following questions: Where did the tale originate? What is the significance of the tale? Is there a moral?
2. Use a chart to organize your ideas. In the first column, write two or three tales about animals that you
are interested in learning more about. Research these tales. Then write notes about the origin of each in the second column. Use these notes when you write your essay.
3. Write an outline for your essay, and then write a draft.
4. Have a partner read and comment on your draft. Use your
partner’s comments and suggestions to revise your essay.
Developing Your Writing: Outlining an Essay
Writers use outlines to help them organize their thoughts before they begin writing. Outlines show the
order in which topics will be introduced. They also include categories and subcategories to show the
relationship between the different parts of the essay. Outlines are usually arranged from general points
to more specific points. Outlines are also usually arranged by a system of numbers and letters, as in the
example below.
I. Introduction
A. There are numerous tales about animals in American culture.
B. These tales often teach an important lesson/moral.
II. Body
A. First tale: The Tortoise and the Hare
1. origins of the tale
2. significance/moral of the tale
B. Second tale: The Lion and the Mouse
1. origins of the tale
2. significance/moral of the tale
III. Conclusion
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مواضيع قسم الكتابة لمنهج ميقا قول 5
فهرس مواضيع قسم الكتابة لمنهج Mega Goal كل المستويات
فيديو حلول منهج Mega Goal 5 كتاب الطالب
كل شيء عن منهج Mega Goal للمرحلة الثانوية
قد ترغب بزيارة ⇚ قناة ثمرات اللغة
from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3FdFdSi
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