صفحة 100, 101
Tools for Writing: Common Errors with Prepositions
Verbs that are followed by a certain preposition in English may be followed by a different preposition or no preposition at all in your language. In order to make sure your writing is grammatically correct, it is important to learn which verbs are used with which prepositions in English. Study the following verbs + prepositions.
Writing Prompt
Write an expository essay about what different colors, symbols, customs, or gestures mean in your culture. Say what you think this shows about your culture. Include grammar points from Units 4, 5, and 6.
Write Your Expository Essay
1. Decide whether you will write about colors, symbols, customs, or gestures in your culture. What do you think these show about your culture? This will be your topic sentence.
2. Use a chart to organize your ideas. Write your topic sentence in the center circle. Then write ideas which support this topic sentence in the surrounding circles.
3. Write a draft of your expository essay.
4. Have a partner read and comment on your draft. Use your partner’s comments and suggestions to revise your essay
عودة لـ
مواضيع قسم الكتابة لمنهج ميقا قول 3
فهرس مواضيع قسم الكتابة لمنهج Mega Goal كل المستويات
فيديو حلول منهج Mega Goal 3 كتاب الطالب
كل شيء عن منهج Mega Goal للمرحلة الثانوية
قد ترغب بزيارة ⇚ قناة ثمرات اللغة
from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3B9CzdZ
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