السبت، 2 أكتوبر 2021

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal الوحدة الثانية قسم الكتابة Writing

{موضوع الكتابة السابق}

صفحة 28, 29

A. Read the title of the article below and decide who it is addressed to. Give reasons for your answer.

1. Read the article and answer the questions. 

 • Why did the burglar leave the house in a hurry? 

 • What did the police find? 

 • How did they discover the identity of the burglar? 

 2. Read the article again and answer the questions. 

 • How does it begin? 

 • Are all the events presented in the order they happened (chronologically)? Why? Why not? 

 3. Find out which paragraph/s focus on: 

 • the police investigation 

 • the burglary 

 • the arrest 

 4. How many past forms can you find? 

 5. Are there any passive forms? Why? Why not?

{ موضوع الكتابة التالي }

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3BhlO0k

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