السبت، 2 أكتوبر 2021

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal الوحدة الثالثة قسم الكتابة Writing

 {موضوع الكتابة السابق}

صفحة 42, 43

 A. 1.  

• Think about the most important places in Saudi Arabia. Why are these places or sites significant? Why should a tourist visit them? 

• What does Saudi Arabia have to offer visitors that is unique or special? 

• How does the country welcome and look after its visitors? 

2. Read the following extract from the Vision 2030 Program and find out the following: 

a. What are the unique and special things that Saudi Arabia has to offer visitors? Compare these to your ideas in part 1. 

b. What plans does the government of the country have to further improve and develop tourism and travel to Saudi Arabia?


B. Write a letter to your friend from Britain (who has never been to Saudi Arabia), about a place in your country that you plan to visit. 

 1. Research and collect information about an important place in Saudi Arabia that you feel a visitor should see, or that a person who has never been to your country should learn about. 

• Think about the history of the place and why it is significant to the country’s history and culture. 

 2. Use the organizer to make notes on: 

• What you know about the place 

• New information you have found 

• What you can do there 

• Your reasons for choosing the place and why it is important 

• Examples and details When you write the letter, give reasons why this place is important and also how it is special or unique.

Writing Corner 

When you write an informal letter: 

• Open in a friendly way with an appropriate greeting and tell your friend why you are writing. 

• When you are giving news such as an up-and-coming trip you will take, give as many details as you can. Use lots of words to describe the place or the experience. 

• Note down your feelings, expectations, assumptions, questions, and doubts. 

• Plan what information you are going to include in each paragraph. 

• Close in an appropriate way and sign off with: Speak soon; Give my best wishes to your family; Write to me soon; and so on

{ موضوع الكتابة التالي }

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3B8mEwt

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