السبت، 20 يونيو 2020

Super Goal 3 سوبر قول 3 - شرح فقرة القواعد Grammar بالعربي لكل الدروس - ثاني متوسط, الفصل الدراسي الأول

فهرس شرح قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية من منهج سوبر قول 3 Super Goal 
للصف الثاني متوسط الفصل الدراسي الأول

Simple present of the verb be
Information questions: how, what, when, where, who, why
Prepositions of place

Present progressive
Imperative for commands and instructions
Prepositions of place

Simple present tense
Wh- questions in the simple present
Verb want + infinitive
Relative pronouns: who, that, which

Questions with how often
Frequency expressions: once a week, etc.
Adverbs of frequency: always, often, etc.
Know how to
Gerunds and infinitives after verbs

Count/Noncount nouns
Expressions of quantity: some/any

Simple past tense: be
Simple past tense: regular / irregular verbs
Intensifiers with adjectives

There was/There were
Adverb: ago
Pronouns: someone, no one, nothing, anything
Conjunctions: because, so

Clauses with when
Subject/object pronouns and possessive adjectives/pronouns

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3hLv43w

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