الأحد، 21 يونيو 2020

Super Goal 1 سوبر قول 1 - شرح بالعربي Can/will for requests and offers - أول متوسط, الفصل الدراسي الأول

Form, Meaning and Function

Requests and Offers: Can / Will
Use can or will for requests.
Request Agree Refuse
Will you help me? Sure. Sorry. I’m busy.
Will you be my partner? Of course. Sorry. I can’t.
Can you open the window? OK.
Can you give me a pencil? No problem.

Use can or will for offers.
Offer Accept Refuse
I can help you. Thank you. No thanks.
I will be your partner. All right. No, that’s all right.
I will open the window. OK. No, that’s OK.
I can give you a pencil. Thanks.

Be polite. Say please, thank you, and you’re welcome.

عودة لفهرس { شرح قواعد 1 Super Goal }

أو العودة لـ { كل شيء عن منهج Super Goal }

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/37Qhnfq

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