الثلاثاء، 30 يونيو 2020

Present perfect tense versus simple past

Present Perfect Tense versus Simple Past

Use the present perfect to talk about an action that happened in the past when the exact time
isn’t known or important. Use the past tense when the exact time is given.
Present Perfect Past
A: Have you ever been to France? A: When were you there?
B: Yes, I’ve been there. B: I was there two years ago.

Present Perfect with For and Since

Use the present perfect with for and since to talk about an action that began in the past and
that continues into the present.
For indicates the period of time: for two months, for a year, for a long time.
Since indicates when the action began: since yesterday, since last June.

Affirmative (+)

I’ve (I + have)
You’ve (you + have)
He’s studied English for five years. (he + has)
She’s since third grade. (she + has)
We’ve (we + have)
They’ve (they + have)

Negative (–)

I/You/We/They haven’t received an email for two days.
He/She hasn’t since Tuesday.

عودة لفهرس { شرح قواعد 5 Super Goal }

أو العودة لـ { كل شيء عن منهج Super Goal }

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/38efIjT

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