الاثنين، 29 يونيو 2020

Gerunds and infinitives after verbs

Form, Meaning and Function

Gerunds after Verbs
Gerunds are the -ing form of a verb. They act like nouns and answer the question what.
I recommend playing basketball as a hobby.
He enjoys skateboarding in the park.
We use gerunds after certain verbs and phrases, such as:
can’t stand feel like love spend time
dislike hate prefer suggest
enjoy like recommend

Infinitives after Verbs
An infinitive is to + the base form of a verb. Like gerunds, infinitives act like nouns and answer the question what.
The verbs like, love, hate, and prefer can go with either a gerund or an infinitive.
I like to watch TV, but I prefer to play games online.
We use infinitives after certain verbs and phrases, such as:
hate like prefer would like
hope love want would love

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