الأربعاء، 24 يونيو 2020

Super Goal 1 سوبر قول 1 - شرح بالعربي There is/There are - أول متوسط, الفصل الدراسي الأول

There is / There are

Singular Plural
Affirmative (+)
There is (or There’s) a table in the kitchen. There are four people at the table.

Negative (–)
There isn’t a bathroom downstairs. There aren’t trees in front of the house.

Questions (?) Short Answers (+) Short Answers (–)
Is there a table in the kitchen? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
Are there flowers on the table? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.


عودة لفهرس { شرح قواعد 1 Super Goal }

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from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2BauPib

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