السبت، 16 أكتوبر 2021

كلمات إنشاديه باللغة الإنجليزية عن فوائد القراءة والمطالعة I like to Read Lyrics

أهمية القراءة

تُعد القراءة Reading مهارة من مهارات المُدخلات. أي إنك تُدخل معلومات و مفاهيم في ذهنك من خلال مهارة القراءة و بالتالي تعزز مهارات المخرجات كالتحدث Speaking و الكتابة Writing. تمنحك قراءة الكتب فرصة تعليم وثقافة مجانية.

القراءة Reading مهارة ممتعة تساعدك على ملئ وقتك بما هو مفيد. كما أن القراءة Reading تُعد من النشاطات المُسلية التي تمنح القارئ فرصة للخروج من ضغوطات الحياة اليومية والإبحار في عالم الكتب من مقالات و روايات و قصص. بالتالي تمنح العقل والجسم الراحة التي يحتاجها. لهذا نقدم في هذا الفيديو كلمات إنشاديه بالإنجليزية بدون موسيقي نتغنى فيها بحب القراءة. تحتوي هذه الكلمات على مفردات تزيد من حصيلتك اللغوية الإنجليزية.

الكلمات بالإنجليزية و معناها بالعربي

When I'm reading, I am enjoying عندما أقرأ ، فإني أستمتع I hold a book, and take a look أحمل كتاب وألقي نظرة My thought just starts to grow تبدأ أفكاري بالنمو When I'm reading عندما أقرأ I'm gaining knowledge فإني أجني المعرفة And I can breathe, yah.. I can breathe, yah.. و أجل, إني استطيع أن تنفس I can breathe again أستطيع أن أتنفس مجدداً I like to read .. I like to read I like to read أحب أن أقرأ And read and read and read, وأن أقرأ, وأقرأ, أقرأ I like to read .. I like to read I like to read أحب أن أقرأ And read and read and read, و أن أقرأ, و أقرأ, و أقرأ ..... Any kind of books, أي نوع من الكتب Any kind of theme أي نوع من المواضيع Studying pictures, أدرس الصور Reading the words, أقرأ الكلمات And finding out what they mean و أبحث عن ما تعنيه .... When I'm reading, I am enjoying عندما أقرأ ، فإني أستمتع I hold a book, and take a look أحمل كتاب وألقي نظرة My thought just starts to grow تبدأ أفكاري بالنمو When I'm reading عندما أقرأ I'm gaining knowledge فإني أجني المعرفة And I can breathe, yah.. I can breathe, yah.. و أجل, إني استطيع أن تنفس I can breathe again أستطيع أن أتنفس مجدداً I like to read .. I like to read I like to read أحب أن أقرأ And read and read and read, وأن أقرأ, وأقرأ, أقرأ I like to read .. I like to read I like to read أحب أن أقرأ And read and read and read, و أن أقرأ, و أقرأ, و أقرأ .... history and poems تاريخ و قصائد novels .. Biographies روايات .. سير ذاتية science books and health books كتب العلوم والكتب الصحية textbooks .. stories as well كتب مدرسية .. قصص كذلك


استمتع إلى هذه الكلمات, بدون موسيقى.


from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/30AnJjm

الجمعة، 15 أكتوبر 2021

متى أضيف S للفعل في زمن المضارع البسيط؟

 متى أضيف s في زمن المضارع البسيط

في هذا الفيديو نشرح لك بشكل مُبسط متى نضيف S في زمن المضارع البسيط.

وهل دائما تضيف s أم es؟

شرح إضافة S من خلال تدريب.


from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3ARqoBr

الأحد، 3 أكتوبر 2021

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal التوسع للوحدات 4- 6 قسم الكتابة Writing

 موضوع الكتابة السابق }

صفحة 100, 101

Tools for Writing: Run-on Sentences

A run-on sentence is a sentence with two or more independent clauses that are incorrectly placed

together without any punctuation or a coordinating conjunction.

Incorrect: You look in the cafeteria I’ll look in the auditorium.

Run-on sentences can be avoided by using a period to separate the clauses into two separate

sentences, or by adding a coordinating conjunction after a comma.

Correct: You look in the cafeteria. I’ll look in the auditorium.

Correct: You look in the cafeteria, and I’ll look in the auditorium.

Correct each run-on sentence in two different ways.

1. The weather has been great it has been warm. 3. He’s tired he doesn’t want to stay out late.

2. She can’t make it she has other plans. 4. I understood the lesson I can help you.

Writing Prompt

Write an essay about tales involving animals in your culture. Include grammar points from Units 4, 5, and 6.

Write Your Essay

1. Think about the following questions: Where did the tale originate? What is the significance of the tale? Is there a moral?

2. Use a chart to organize your ideas. In the first column, write two or three tales about animals that you

are interested in learning more about. Research these tales. Then write notes about the origin of each in the second column. Use these notes when you write your essay.

3. Write an outline for your essay, and then write a draft.

4. Have a partner read and comment on your draft. Use your

partner’s comments and suggestions to revise your essay.

Developing Your Writing: Outlining an Essay

Writers use outlines to help them organize their thoughts before they begin writing. Outlines show the

order in which topics will be introduced. They also include categories and subcategories to show the

relationship between the different parts of the essay. Outlines are usually arranged from general points

to more specific points. Outlines are also usually arranged by a system of numbers and letters, as in the

example below.

I. Introduction

A. There are numerous tales about animals in American culture.

B. These tales often teach an important lesson/moral.

II. Body

A. First tale: The Tortoise and the Hare

1. origins of the tale

2. significance/moral of the tale

B. Second tale: The Lion and the Mouse

1. origins of the tale

2. significance/moral of the tale

III. Conclusion

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شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal الوحدة السادسة قسم الكتابة Writing

موضوع الكتابة السابق }

صفحة 90, 91

A. 1. How do we communicate? Do we mostly communicate

through verbal or non-verbal language?

2. Try communicating these to your partner without speaking.

• Can I have your pen, please?

• Are you going to call me after school?

• I went shopping yesterday.

3. Now write two of your own messages on a piece of paper,

fold it, and set it aside or give it to your teacher. Use nonverbal

language to communicate your message. Check. How

successful were you?

4. “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Explain.

5. Read the text and find:

• the main thesis statement

• the supporting paragraphs

• the arguments used

B. 1. Think of an Arab man or woman and a non-Arab man or woman you know personally or from TV.

2. Think about the way these people communicate. Research and collect information about culture-specific

features of communication. Do you think they communicate in a way that is typical of their culture? Write your ideas in a chart.

3. W rite an essay about the communication approaches used by each person. Give examples to support your ideas.

Writing Corner

When you write a comparative/contrastive essay:

• consider the different sides of the issue.

• develop a list of similarities and differences.

• establish your basis for comparison.

• create a thesis for their relative importance, e.g. similarities outweigh differences.

• structure your essay using an alternating or a block structure

a. an alternating structure involves a point by point discussion and can be quite systematic and


b. a block method allows you to discuss each aspect or topic in distinct blocks and then


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from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3FbEiBX

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal الوحدة الخامسة قسم الكتابة Writing

 موضوع الكتابة السابق }

صفحة 76, 77

A. 1. Do you enjoy writing by hand? Why? Why not?

2. Do you think handwriting is a useful skill? Why? Why not?

3. Read the text and find out.

• What does handwriting involve?

• Why are some people not keen on writing by hand?

• What can specialists find out about someone through his or her handwriting?

• Why is word-processing popular?

• Which types of tests are mentioned? What is the difference between them?

• What is the writer’s viewpoint on the issue? Do you agree or disagree? Why?

4. Read the text again and identify:

• thesis statements • supporting statements

5. What are some of the differences between this text and an expository essay?

B. 1. Decide whether or not you support advertising in schools.

2. Think about reasons why advertising in schools is a good or bad idea. Use an organizer to write

down your ideas.

3. Write a letter to your local newspaper about this topic, trying to convince the reader that your view is correct.


Writing Corner

When you write a letter to communicate your opinion and feelings on a controversial topic:

• start with an appropriate greeting: Dear Editor, Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Mr. Jones.

• state clearly the reason why you are writing and give your general opinion on the topic.

• state your reasons for your opinion by giving reasons and/or examples.

• organize your reasons into clear paragraphs. Each paragraph should start with a sentence

which gives the main reason (topic sentence). The paragraph should then be developed in such

a way that you support the topic sentence with more details and examples.

• use connectors to list your main reasons: Moreover, …; In addition, …; Additionally, …; What’s

more, …; Last but not least, … and so on.

• to express your opinion, uses phrases such as: In my opinion, …; From my point of view, …; As

far as I’m concerned, …; I strongly believe that, …

• ask yourself what objections your readers might have to your ideas and use phrases to express

a general opinion such as: Most people think that …; Everyone knows that …; Most people

support/oppose the idea…

• select features and benefits that you can present to overcome these objections.

• do not forget to write a conclusion carefully, going back to your initial thesis statement and

summarizing your facts/arguments. Use phrases such as: To sum up, …; In conclusion, …; To

conclude, … and so on.

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from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2YaQQsg

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal الوحدة الرابعة قسم الكتابة Writing

موضوع الكتابة السابق }

صفحة 62, 63

A. 1. What kind of TV films do you enjoy? Why?

2. Are there categories of TV films that you are not

interested in or you dislike? Which? Why?

3. Can you explain what is meant by “film genres”?

4. Read the text and find out.

• What are genres? How are they defined?

• How easy is it to classify TV films?

• Are there distinct and permanent categories? Why? Why not?

5. What are the distinguishing characteristics of different genres? Underline/highlight

words/phrases or sentences that provide the answer.

B. 1. Think of a TV film genre that uses a formula (e.g. action, adventure, comedy, Western).

Choose a particular TV film in this genre as an example.

2. Think about the different parts of the formula. Use a diagram to make notes.

3. Write an expository essay in which you reveal and explain the formula behind the film.


Writing Corner

When you write an expository essay:

• choose a specific area of a topic to focus on.

• think about your audience or readers.

• research and collect information from different sources.

• think of examples and comments made by others.

• you can use quotes, exchanges, and arguments from your sources.

• if necessary, you can present the information in three main sections:

a. an introduction and thesis statement

b. a longer paragraph or a number of paragraphs presenting the information about

different aspects or categories of the main topic

c. a closing paragraph

• you are free to use different types of text, arguments, and material, including visuals.

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from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3Dd2EcT

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal التوسع للوحدات 1-3 قسم الكتابة Writing

موضوع الكتابة السابق }

صفحة 52, 53

Tools for Writing: Commonly Confused Words

Fewer and less have the same meaning. They are both the opposite of more. However, fewer is used with count nouns and less is used with noncount nouns. 

Fewer people are buying newspapers than ever before. Since the new police chief took over, there has been less crime in our city. Farther is used to talk about distance. Further is used to mean additional. Most Arabian bred horses can run faster and farther than English bred horses. I’m going to call the school to get further information about the program. 

Complete each sentence with the correct commonly confused word. 

1. The invention of the microwave made it possible to cook meals in _________ time. 

2. I make __________ grammatical mistakes than I used to. 

3. I don’t want to discuss this any ___________.

Writing Prompt

Write an expository essay about a common device or technology. Write about

the history of the technology, and make predictions about how you think the

technology will change in the future. Include grammar points from Units 1, 2,

and 3.

Write Your Essay

1. Decide on the type of device or technology you will write about.

2. Use a chart to organize your ideas. Write your topic at the top. Then write ideas about the past, present, and future of the device or technology.

3. Write a draft of your essay.

4. Have a partner read and comment on your draft. Use your partner’s comments and suggestions to revise your essay.

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3B6wrmU

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal الوحدة الثالثة قسم الكتابة Writing

موضوع الكتابة السابق }

صفحة 42, 43

A. 1. How do you think the world will have changed by the

year 2050? Think about cities, crops, manufacturing,

vehicles, trade, homes and other buildings, and measures

to protect people from environmental factors, such as

radiation from nuclear power stations.

2. How do you think Saudi Arabia will change in the future? What progress and developments will have

been made by 2030 in areas, such as education, society, the economy, technology, culture, and


3. Read the text and compare your ideas in 2 with the plans in the text.

4. Look at the use of active and passive voice in the text. Which is used most often? Why?

B. 1. Choose one development in the text which will have been

completed by 2030.

2. Think about the impact this development will have on both your

personal life and on society. Write your ideas in the organizer.

3. W rite an essay presenting your ideas and give some examples.

Writing Corner

When you write a personal essay which expresses your views:

• make notes before you start writing to plan what you want to say.

• organize your thoughts into paragraphs; for example, describe the change in the introduction.

Use the main body to talk about the impact on you and the impact on society.

• include a conclusion to sum up your views or opinions. Don’t include any new information in

the conclusion.

• be creative but focused on the topic.

• you don’t have to be objective.

• address your audience directly.

• use “I” narration, as in “I think” or “I feel.”

• include examples, personal anecdotes, thoughts, interpretations, or ideas.

• try to get your point across as clearly as possible.

• do not repeat yourself.

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شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal الوحدة الثانية قسم الكتابة Writing

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صفحة 28, 29

A. 1. Think about times when many countries in the world have faced the same problems. What kinds of

problems were they? Do you know if countries found a way to deal with these problems together?

2. Do you know what the word summit means? One meaning of the word is “the highest point”. How do

you think this meaning relates to an important meeting? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

3. Have you heard of the G20? What does it do? Scan the text and find out.

4. Read the text and fill in the blanks with the words or phrases. Listen and check your answers.

5. Identify the topic/theme of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1: ___________________________ Paragraph 2: ___________________________

Paragraph 3: ___________________________ Paragraph 4: ___________________________

6. Which verb forms are mostly used? Are passive sentences used in any sections? Why? Why not?

7. Find the key events relating to the G20 that are mentioned in the text. Highlight the dates and events/

verbs in the text. Then write them on a timeline.

8. Now cover the text and look at your timeline. Reconstruct the story and tell your partner. Then switch roles and repeat.

B. 1. Choose a successful and/or influential person.

2. Research information about this person’s life, including the events (steps) that took the person from

obscurity to to personal success, fame, or influence.

3. Note these events or steps in a chart.

4. Write a descriptive essay about this person’s life.


Writing Corner

When you write a descriptive essay about a person’s life:

• distinguish the main life events from surrounding information.

• select key events that provide a complete picture of how someone’s life developed from the

time they were born.

• list the events in chronological order, then switch them around if you wish, e.g. Having

completed his studies, he proceeded to apply for any position that was advertised in his area

of specialty.

• use connectors to show the order of events such as: when; then; after; while.

• be as descriptive as possible: Describe the person’s character, qualities and actions. Choose

key events based on these qualities so that the reader has a clear picture of the person’s

character as well as the person’s life story.

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from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3ipU3LO

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal الوحدة الأولى قسم الكتابة Writing

 صفحة 14, 15

A. 1. Do you think it is necessary for people to share the same characteristics in order to get along well

with each other? Why? Why not?

2. Read the text and find out.

• Who are the people involved?

• What kind of people are they? Underline words that provide information about each one.

• In your view, what are the characteristics that they share?

• What do you think might have happened if they both shared exactly the same characteristics

and attitude to life?

a. if they were both like the grandfather

b. if they were both like the grandmother

• Why did the writer choose to describe the particular incident? What do you think it portrays?


3. Read the text again and find out.

• What is the topic of each paragraph? (What or who is the paragraph about?)

• Are all paragraphs about the same length? Why? Why not?

• What words/phrases describe the qualities of each person? Can you think of more?

• Which qualities are demonstrated through the incident?

B. 1. Think about two people you know who are good friends.

2. Using a Venn diagram, write the qualities you feel each person has. In the overlapping portion of the

diagram, write the qualities/characteristics that they share.

3. Write a short essay about the two friends, explaining how they complement each other.

Writing Corner

When you write a descriptive essay about people’s qualities/characteristics:

• think about their positive and negative qualities, their needs and the things they offer, their

attitude to life, typical incidents, etc.

• express your personal feelings/views about the people.

• do not simply write a list of adjectives.

• vary the way you express thoughts, memories, and feelings; use expressions like these:

I think he/she is…, I have always felt that…, I regard him/her as…, He/She seems to…, He/She

tends to…, Anytime I think of…, I have never…, He/She is the most (adjective) person I have ever

known/met, etc.

• use linking devices that indicate similarity and contrast, cause and effect, consequence, reason,

etc.; use a variety of expressions and words like these: due to this…, although…, in spite of…,

while…, compared to…, because of…, as a result, both, etc.

• plan your essay carefully by deciding what/who you are going to focus on in different sections/


• write a first draft, then read it and make corrections or write questions about things you are not

sure about.

• hand over the draft to someone else to read and edit; encourage him/her to write comments

and questions.

• read the comments and edit your essay.

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from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3l2pWfc

السبت، 2 أكتوبر 2021

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal التوسع للوحدات 4- 6 قسم الكتابة Writing

موضوع الكتابة السابق }

صفحة 100, 101

Tools for Writing: Common Errors with Prepositions

Verbs that are followed by a certain preposition in English may be followed by a different preposition or no preposition at all in your language. In order to make sure your writing is grammatically correct, it is important to learn which verbs are used with which prepositions in English. Study the following verbs + prepositions.

Writing Prompt

Write an expository essay about what different colors, symbols, customs, or gestures mean in your culture. Say what you think this shows about your culture. Include grammar points from Units 4, 5, and 6.

Write Your Expository Essay

1. Decide whether you will write about colors, symbols, customs, or gestures in your culture. What do you think these show about your culture? This will be your topic sentence. 

2. Use a chart to organize your ideas. Write your topic sentence in the center circle. Then write ideas which support this topic sentence in the surrounding circles. 

3. Write a draft of your expository essay. 

4. Have a partner read and comment on your draft. Use your partner’s comments and suggestions to revise your essay

عودة لـ 

مواضيع قسم الكتابة لمنهج ميقا قول 3

فهرس مواضيع قسم الكتابة لمنهج Mega Goal كل المستويات

فيديو حلول منهج Mega Goal 3 كتاب الطالب

كل شيء عن منهج Mega Goal للمرحلة الثانوية

قد ترغب بزيارة ⇚ قناة ثمرات اللغة

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3B9CzdZ

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal الوحدة السادسة قسم الكتابة Writing

موضوع الكتابة السابق }

صفحة 90, 91

 A. How important is packaging for you as a consumer? Are you attracted to things that are packaged nicely? Why? Why not? 

1. Read the essay and find out the following: 

• What did the writer’s family use to do that was not “green”? 

• What did they do to change that practice? 

• What were the benefits? 

• Were there any disadvantages? 

2. What is your view as a reader? 

• Are ideas and information presented clearly? 

• Does the writer provide explanations, examples, or reasons directly? 

• Does the essay fulfill your expectations in relation to the title? 

3. Look at the essay again and write which person is used in each paragraph: I, you, he or she and so on. What is the effect? 

• Paragraph 1: ____________ 

• Paragraph 2: ____________ 

• Paragraph 3: ____________ 

4. Notice which paragraph/s do the following: 

• provide the writer’s view and/or opinion 

• provide objective information and/or view 

• set the scene 

5. Are there any passive forms? What are they used for? 

6. How are ideas and facts connected? Provide examples from the text. 

• conjunctions/linking words 

• combined clauses/sentences 

• use of pronouns 


 B. 1. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Complain about your neighborhood and suggest how it could ‘go greener.’ With a partner, discuss the items below: 

2. Think about things you do that are environmentally harmful. What do other people in your neighborhood do? What can your local council do to help you ‘go greener’? 

3. Use the chart to make notes and then use it to write your letter. 

4. Exchange drafts/essays and edit. 

5. Improve, change, and rewrite.

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2YdRLZ6

شرح ميقا قول 5 Mega Goal الوحدة الخامسة قسم الكتابة Writing

موضوع الكتابة السابق }

صفحة 76, 77

A. Read about some more unusual jobs and complete the job title. Work in pairs. Compare your ideas in class.


1. Read the essay and find out the following: 

• What does an arborist do? 

• What kind of qualifications does he need to have? 

• Which personal characteristics should he have? 

• What are his employment prospects? 

2. What is your view as a reader? 

• Are ideas and information presented clearly? 

• Does the writer provide explanations, examples, or reasons when necessary? 

• Does the essay answer your questions about what an arborist is/does? 

3. Look at the essay again and write which person is used in each paragraph: I, you, he or she and so on. 

• Paragraph 1: ____________ 

• Paragraph 3: ____________ 

• Paragraph 2:____________ 

• Paragraph 4: ____________ 

4. Notice which paragraphs provide: 

• the writer’s view and/or opinion 

• objective information and/or view 

5. Are there any passive forms? What are they used for? 

6. How are ideas and facts connected? Provide examples from the text. 

• conjunctions/linking words 

• combined clauses/sentences 

• use of pronouns

B. 1. Write an essay about an unusual job you might like to have. 

2. Before you write, think about and/or find on the Internet: 

• a description of the job 

• the background you should have for this job 

• personal characteristics that would help you perform the job effectively 

3. Use the chart to help you brainstorm and organize your information.

Writing Corner

When you write an opinion essay: 

• note down what you know about the topic and collect new information. 

• note down your personal views on the topic and express your feelings and opinions. 

• combine your views and feelings with the relevant information and organize each paragraph. 

• remember that it is your essay and your voice needs to come through.

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from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3uBFIAT