السبت، 14 سبتمبر 2019

شرح حروف جر الوقت Prepositions of Time ثاني متوسط فل بلاست 3

Prepositions of Time
We use نستخدم

• at: 
to tell the time:  لنخبر عن الوقت
at six o’clock / at half past two
in the expressions: 
at noon / at night / at midnight
at the weekend

• on: 
before the days of the week: 
on Monday / on Monday morning / on weekdays
before dates: 
on 16 May

before months and seasons
in July / in (the) winter

before years and centuries
in 1989 / in the 21st century

before periods of time
in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening

but لكن
on Friday morning/afternoon/evening
in the expression in my free time

• till / until 
We usually work till/until 5pm.
• before 
Jack always has a shower before dinner.
• after 
My dad goes for a walk in the park after breakfast.

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2UTVPI5

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