الخميس، 12 سبتمبر 2019

شرح قاعدة الماضي المستمر ثاني متوسط _ فل بلاست 3 -Past Progressive

Past Progressive

Past Simple - Past Progressive

Past Progressive
We use the Past Progressive:
• for an action that was happening at a specific point of time in the past.
I was watching TV at seven o'clock yesterday evening.
• to describe background scenes in a story.
It was raining and Jim was walking in the forest.
• for actions that were happening at the same time in the past. In this case we usually
use while.

While Mum was cooking, Jane was reading a book.

We use the Past Progressive and the Past Simple in the same sentence when one
action that was happening in the past was interrupted by another. We use the Past
Progressive for the longer action and the Past Simple for the shorter action that
interrupted the longer one. We usually use while+Past Progressive and when+Past
While I was driving, I saw a cat in the street.

I was sleeping when the telephone rang.

Some - Any - No

• We use some, any, no with plural countable nouns and with uncountable nouns.

We use some:
• in affirmative sentences. 
There are some books on the desk.
There is some milk on the table.
• in questions, when we offer or ask for something politely. Would you like some water?
Can I have some milk, please?

We use any:
• in questions. Is there any milk on the table?

• in negative sentences. There aren’t any books on the table.

We use no:
• in affirmative sentences to give a negative meaning (= not any).

There’s no milk in the glass. (= There isn’t any milk in the glass).


from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/34APJRv

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