السبت، 24 فبراير 2018

Full and Bare Infinitive

ملاحظة الموضوع غير مكتمل, جاري إعداده
We use the full infinitive (to + base form of the verb):
• to express purpose.
He went to the supermarket to buy some orange juice.
• after certain verbs: want, would like, would love, decide,
forget, learn, teach, need, plan, promise, try, hope, manage,
arrange, choose, offer, refuse, expect.
I decided to buy a house near the sea.
• with too and enough.
This coffee is too hot to drink.
• After the structure it + be + adjective.
It’s difficult to understand this text.
• After certain adjectives: afraid, surprised, free, happy, ready,
James was happy to see his best friend after all those years.
We use the bare infinitive (base form of verb without to):
• after modal verbs (can, could, will, would, should, may,
might, must).
Will you stop talking?
You must visit the doctor today.
• after the verbs let and make.
He makes me study all the time.
Dad, let me go to the park, please!

We can use the verb help with a bare or full infinitive.
I always help my brother do his homework.
I always help my brother to do his homework.

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat http://ift.tt/2GFTEPX

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