الأربعاء، 21 فبراير 2018

شرح قاعدة can / could / be able to ثالث متوسط - الترم الثاني

ملاحظة: الموضوع غير مكتمل , جاري إعداد الموضوع
نشرح في هذا الدرس قاعدة can / could / be able to

can/could/be able to
• We use can to express ability in the present.
The baby can speak.

• We use could to express ability in the past.
I could climb trees when I was young.

Be able to expresses ability and forms all tenses. It is
mainly used in tenses where we cannot use can.
He’ll be able to play football on Thursday.

عودة لـ فهرس شرح قاعدات Full Blast 6

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat http://ift.tt/2GxlNbX

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