الثلاثاء، 26 يوليو 2016

would - was/were going to | | شرح قواعد ثالث ثانوي | Traveller 5 | الترم الأول | Grammar

شرحنا في الدرس السابق { ++ }
ملاحظة: الموضوع غير مكتمل, جاري إعداد الموضوع .

Would - was/were going to...
• would + base form is used when referring to the past for
things that we expected to happen at a later time.
I knew he would pass the examination.
• was/were going to + base form is used to talk about
actions somebody intended to do in the past (but
probably didn’t).
I was going to visit my cousins over the weekend, but they
came to visit me instead.

جد المزيد من فهرس المواضيع { شرح القاعدات Grammar من كتاب Traveller5 }

from Language Thamarat http://ift.tt/2akxSFp

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