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ملاحظة: الموضوع غير مكتمل, جاري إعداد الموضوع . Questions and question words
Subject Questions - Object Questions
• Subject Questions: When we use the question words
who, which and what to ask about the subject of the
verb, we form the question without auxiliary verbs
(who / which / what + verb in the affirmative form).
Who saw the accident? Tom (saw the accident).
What happened outside? An accident (happened).
• Object Questions: When we use the question words
who, which and what to ask about the object of the verb,
we form the question with auxiliary verbs (who / which /
what + verb in the question form).
Who did you see at the restaurant?
(I saw) Tom and Gadi.
What are you eating?
(I’m eating) Chinese food.
• Subject Questions: When we use the question words
who, which and what to ask about the subject of the
verb, we form the question without auxiliary verbs
(who / which / what + verb in the affirmative form).
Who saw the accident? Tom (saw the accident).
What happened outside? An accident (happened).
• Object Questions: When we use the question words
who, which and what to ask about the object of the verb,
we form the question with auxiliary verbs (who / which /
what + verb in the question form).
Who did you see at the restaurant?
(I saw) Tom and Gadi.
What are you eating?
(I’m eating) Chinese food.
Verbs with two objects
Certain verbs (give, offer, send, show, buy, etc.) take two
objects. The direct object usually indicates a thing and the
indirect object usually indicates a person (who we do the
action to or for).
Certain verbs (give, offer, send, show, buy, etc.) take two
objects. The direct object usually indicates a thing and the
indirect object usually indicates a person (who we do the
action to or for).
جد المزيد من فهرس المواضيع { شرح القاعدات Grammar من كتاب Traveller5 }
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