الأحد، 26 سبتمبر 2021

Super Goal 3 | الوحدة الثامنة | قسم الكتابة و المشروع

صفحة 70

Writing الكتابة

A. Read about heat exhaustion. Have a class discussion. What are the symptoms? Are there

any other symptoms? Do you agree with the advice? Do you have any other advice?

Writing Corner   زاوية الكتابة

1. Bullet points (•) help make a list clear and simple to read. For example, when there is

list of ingredients in a recipe or a list of symptoms for an illness.

2. When there is a list of instructions or steps to follow in a certain order, it is better to

use numbers, and not bullet points.

3. With short phrases or words, do not use punctuation after each bullet point. When

there is a complete sentence or sentences, use the correct punctuation.

B. What are some common symptoms of the flu? Write them in the chart. How can you relieve

the symptoms? Write notes in the advice column.

C. What should you do when you have the flu? Write about it. Use your notes from the chart

and other ideas from this unit. Use bullet points for the symptoms or the advice.

Project المشروع

Research home remedies for common illnesses. Present your remedies to the class and
discuss them.

الموضوع التالي للكتابة والمشروع }

عودة لـ 

فهرس مواضيع قسم الكتابة لمنهج 3 Super Goal

فيديو حلول منهج Super Goal 3 كتاب الطالب

فيديو حلول منهج Super Goal 3 كتاب التمارين

كل شيء عن منهج Super Goal للمرحلة المتوسطة

قد ترغب بزيارة ⇚ قناة ثمرات اللغة

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3kI3cB6

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