الجمعة، 3 سبتمبر 2021

محتويات منهج سوبر قول Super Goal 1 للصف الأول المتوسط الفصل الدراسي الأول

عناوين وحدات منهج سوبر قول 1 Super Goal للصف الأول المتوسط

الوحدة الأولى Good Morning! 

الوحدة الثانية What Day Is Today? 

الوحدة الثالثة What’s That? 

الوحدة الرابعة Around the World 

EXPANSION Units 1–4 وحدة التوسع

الوحدة الخامسة Families, Families 

الوحدة السادسة Is There a View? 

الوحدة السابعة Where Do You Live? 

الوحدة الثامنة What Are You Doing? 

EXPANSION Units 5–8 وحدة التوسع

Vocabulary مفردات 

Irregular Verbs أفعال غير منتظمة

Functions الوظائف اللغوية

1- Greet people / Say goodbye. Introduce yourself and others. Talk about school supplies.

2- Use days of the week and months. Use the numbers 1 to 1,000 in context.

Use ordinal numbers. Talk about your age. Follow and give classroom instructions

3- Give commands and instructions. Ask for identification of things.

4- Talk about countries and nationalities. Ask for information with yes/no questions. Give basic personal information.

5- Identify family members. Describe families.

6- Talk about rooms in a house and objects in the rooms. Describe the location of objects. Describe houses.

7- Name places in a city. Describe location. Ask for and give directions

8- Talk about what people are doing

EXPANSION Units 1–4 وحدة التوسع للوحدات

Language Review مراجعة اللغة

قراءة Reading: Win a Free Trip to the Caribbean!

كتابة Writing: Write about your country

الانشودة Chant Along: Orders, Orders, Everywhere

مشروع Project: Prepare a set of school rules

EXPANSION Units 5–8 وحدة التوسع للوحدات

Language Review مراجعة اللغة

قراءة Reading: Email PalsWriting: 

كتابة Write an email about family and activities

About You

الانشودة Chant Along: My Neighborhood!

قسم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية لمنهج سوبر قول 1 Super Goal

Verb: be
Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her
Possessive adjectives: our, your, their
Question words: what, when, how old
Prepositions: in, on with dates
Demonstrative pronouns: this/that/ these/those
Indefinite and definite articles: a/an, the
Verb: be
Question word: where
Prepositions: from, in, on
Can/will for requests and offers
Verb: have
Quantity expressions: any, a lot of/lots of
Possessives: 's 
Question words: how many, who
Regular and irregular plural nouns
There is/there are
Prepositions: in, in front of, behind, on, under
Conjunctions: and, but, or
Verb: live + preposition
Prepositions of place: across from, between, next to, on, near, far from
Imperatives for a command, instruction or advice
Comparative and superlative adjectives8What
Present progressive tense
Questions with what + present progressive
Would like and would like to

قسم الاستماع Listening

Listen to conversations for specific information

Listen to conversations for specific information

Listen for specific details

Listen for specific information—telephone numbers, emails, and addresses

Listen for specific information about a family

Listen for specific information to perform a task

Listen to follow directions

Listen for specific details about ongoing activities

Pronunciation اللفظ

Sentence intonation, Stressed syllables, Voiced th and unvoiced th, Telephone numbers, emails, addresses

Do you…?, Yes/no question intonation, Syllable stress, The -ing ending, 

Reading!  القراءة

A New Student!, How Old Are They?, Museum of Science, Lapland: The Land of the Midnight Sun

Family Values and Society, Unusual Houses, Famous Neighborhoods, Teenagers’ Favorite Place

قسم الكتابة Writing

Write a conversation

Make and illustrate a list of greetings (Project)

Complete a form with personal information

Write about animal life spans (Project)

Write about things in a museum

Make a brochure for a museum (Project)

Write your name, address, telephone numbers, and email for a class directory

Make an information poster about your country (Project)

Write about an imaginary family

Write about the Saudi royal family (Project)

Describe your home

Make a poster about a dream house (Project)

Write a postcard about your neighborhood

Make a brochure for your neighborhood (Project)

Write about ongoing activities of family and friends

Write about a popular teenage hangout (Project)

للمزيد حول شرح القواعد و الحلول توجه لـ { كُل شيء عن منهج Super Goal للمتوسط }

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3gZiEX2

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