الأحد، 12 سبتمبر 2021

محتويات منهج ميقا قول Mega Goal 6 للمرحلة الثانوية

محتويات منهج ميقا قول Mega Goal 6 للمرحلة الثانوية

عناوين الوحدات

Unit Intro  المقدمة

Unit 1 Everyone Makes Mistakes  الوحدة الأولى

Unit 2 Against the Odds الوحدة الثانية

Unit 3 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep الوحدة الثالثة

EXPANSION Units 1-3 التوسع للوحدات

Unit 4 They Said, We Said الوحدة الرابعة

Unit 5 Express Yourself الوحدة الخامسة

Unit 6 Lost and Found الوحدة السادسة

EXPANSION Units 4-6 التوسع للوحدات

Vocabulary مفردات

Irregular Verbs الأفعال غير المنتظمة

Audio Track List قائمة المسار الصوتي

قسم الوظيفة اللغوية Functions


Express opinion/view, argument, agree and disagree,/belief, disbelief

Make deductions/past and present

Ask for and give clarification

Make suggestions


Unit 1

Talk about famous mistakes in history

Discuss personal mistakes


Respond to an apology

Words connected with business

Unit 2

Discuss remarkable events and coincidences

Express surprise

Unit 3

Discuss beauty products and practices throughout history

Talk about the importance of beauty products

Make a complaint

Respond to a complaint

Unit 4

Discuss gossip and rumors

Tell a secret

Promise to keep a secret

Words connected with the body

Unit 5

Discuss world languages

Talk about the English language

Ask someone to repeat something

Words connected with different kinds of vacations

Unit 6

Conduct an interview

Express regret

Express understanding

Words connected with historical monuments

عناوين قسم القواعد Grammar


Can’t be – must be/must be + -ing – can’t have – must have

Recycle familiar verb forms, narrative, connectors and modifiers, passive forms, would – hypothesis, modals for ability, possibility, adverbs, gerund, e.g. capable of -ing

Unit 1

Modals and passive modals in the past

Count and non count nouns

Expressions of quantity: some, any, a lot of, much, many, enough, plenty of, few, a little, hardly any

Unit 2

Such . . . that/so . . . that

Reducing adverb clauses

Past progressive

Was/were going to; was/were about to

Past perfect tense

Past perfect progressive and past simple

Unit 3

Noun clauses beginning with that

Noun clauses after verbs

Noun clauses after adjectives

Noun clauses as subjects of sentences

Needs to be done; get/have done

Present and past participles

Unit 4

Noun clauses as reported speech versus quoted speech

Rules and exceptions to the sequence of tenses

Noun clauses beginning with whether or if

Modal auxiliaries for the present and future: must, should, ought to, may, might, can, could

Unit 5

Adjective clauses and relative pronouns

Relative pronouns as subjects and objects of adjective clauses

Future forms with will and be going to

Conditional sentences with if-clauses (present)

Wish/If only

Unit 6

Using where and when in adjective clauses

Using whose in adjective clauses

Conditional sentences with If-Clauses (Past)

As if/as though


التوسع للوحدات 1-3

Language Review

Reading: Phobias: Nothing to Fear

Language Plus: Idioms about fear

Tools for Writing: Sentence fragments

Writing: Write an informational essay about a condition or disorder that involves the human mind

التوسع للوحدات 4-6

Language Review

Reading: It’s a Mystery

Language Plus: Idioms about mysteries

Tools for Writing: Using the definite article with geographical nouns

Writing: Write an essay about an unexplained mystery

مواضيع قسم الاستماع Listening


Listen for specific information/ draw conclusions

Listen and identify language functions in discourse

Unit 1

Listen for specific information in stories about mistakes

Unit 2

Listen for specific details in a news story about identical twins who were separated at birth

Unit 3

Listen for specific information in a lecture about fad diets

Unit 4

Listen for specific details in a rumor as it is spread

Unit 5

Listen for specific details in stories about people making mistakes in English

Unit 6

Listen for specific details in stories about lost and found items

قسم اللفظ Pronunciation

Recycle and use familiar stress, intonation patterns, to express attitude or feelings, e.g. disbelief, surprise, query

Reductions of modals + have: could have, should have, might have, must have

Dropped final consonants

Stress on affirmative and negative auxiliary verbs

Question intonation

Emphasizing different words in a sentence to convey different meanings

The dropped h sound at the beginning of pronouns and auxiliary verbs

مواضيع قسم القراءة Reading

Happy Accidents

Survival Against the Odds

Changing Concepts of Beauty in History

Psst. Pass It On. (Why We Gossip)

Invented Languages

Look What I Found!

مواضيع قسم الكتابة Writing

Unit 1

Write a descriptive and personal narrative

Research and make a poster presentation about indispensable home inventions (Project)

Unit 2

Write a descriptive essay about your vision of the future in Saudi Arabia in 2030

Research and design a cartoon strip about a survival story (Project)

Unit 3

Write a persuasive essay about the importance of beauty

Research and evaluate cosmetic products and make a poster presentation (Project)

Unit 4

Write a summary of an article about gossip

Research harmful rumors and make a PowerPoint presentation (Project)

Unit 5

Write an email to a friend giving news and discussing differences between your language and English

Research and identify specific similarities and differences between English and Arabic; make a PowerPoint presentation (Project)

Unit 6

Write a personal narrative describing a time that you lost and found something important

Research a discovery story and make a PowerPoint or poster presentation (Project)

للمزيد حول شرح القواعد و الحلول توجه لـ { كُل شيء عن منهج Mega Goal للثانوي }

محتويات منهج سوبر قول 1

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/3z4q0Pl

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