الجمعة، 29 نوفمبر 2019

حل تدريبات فقرة القواعد Grammar | كتاب الطالب - ميقا قول 6 , الباب الاول -قاعدة Modals in the Past

A. Circle the correct modal in the past to complete each sentence.

1. I have a sore throat. I (should have / may have) caught your cold.
2. He (wasn’t supposed to / shouldn’t have) know about the business deal, but he found out by accident.
3. You have a big smile on your face in all the vacation pictures. You (should have / must have) had a
great time.
4. I don’t know where she is, but she was very tired. She (should have / may have) gone to bed.
5. I (must have / should have) paid more attention in English class. Now I’m completely confused
about the grammar.
6. I (must have / shouldn’t have) ordered that new laptop. It was way too expensive.
7. Did you get the package? It (was supposed to / must have) arrive by today.
8. You (may not have / should not have) said that. Now you’ve hurt your friend’s feelings.

B. Complete each sentence with a modal in the past. For some items, more than one modal
may be possible.

I should have worn a suit to the interview. I don’t think my clothes were formal enough.
1. It’s too bad we didn’t know you were there. We ________ met up.
2. She ________ study biology in school, but she ended up studying medicine instead.
3. Farah ________ gone to Dubai this summer, but she decided to stay home instead.
4. He ________ have said that. I think they must have misunderstood him.
5. It was such a beautiful day today. We ________ gone to the beach.
6. I’m not sure what we did with the bottles. We ________ put them in the recycling bin.
7. The product ________ been a big success, but instead it was a flop.
8. You were right there when the accident happened. You ________ seen everything.
9. Who knows what ________ happened if the other candidate had won the election.
10. You look refreshed and well-rested. You ________ slept well.

C. Rewrite each sentence as a passive sentence.

The coach should have chosen Abdullah for the football team.
Abdullah should have been chosen for the football team.
1. Someone must have dropped these keys at the meeting.
2. The Mayans may have drunk hot chocolate as far back as 2,600 years ago.
3. A professional photographer must have taken this picture.
4. A computer error may have caused the accident.
5. The police officer could have arrested him for speeding, but he let him go with a warning.
6. The registrar should have given you a course catalog on the first day of school.
7. A squirrel or a rabbit might have eaten the vegetables in our garden.
8. The mechanic was supposed to have fixed our car by now, but it’s still broken.

D. Look at the photos. Write at least three sentences about each photo using modals in the past and passive modals in the past.

He must have been caught in the rain. He should have brought an umbrella.
He could have stayed dry if he had an umbrella. He may have caught a cold.


from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2OyBiHF

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