الجمعة، 14 ديسمبر 2018

All / Both / Neither / None / Either

We use both:
• in affirmative sentences. It takes a plural
verb and it indicates that something is true
for two people or things.
Ameer and Khaled are from Saudi Arabia.
Both of them live in Riyadh.
They both live in Riyadh.

We use all:
• in affirmative sentences. It takes a plural verb
and it indicates that something is true for
more than two people or things.
Jack and his parents like skiing.
All of them like skiing.
They all like skiing.

Circle the correct words.
Alan So, did you bring any computer games?
Bill Yeah, I brought four so you can choose. Here...
Alan Sorry Bill, but I’ve played all four of these.
And they’re old and boring.
Bill Really? Now what? Let’s watch TV.
Alan I checked the TV guide. None of the
programmes are any good. I don’t want to
watch them.
Bill Hey, what about this documentary about
Alan I didn’t see that. I like documentaries.
Bill Me too. Now let’s order something to eat.
Indian or Chinese?
Alan Either is fine.
Bill OK. Indian then.
1. All / None / Neither of the computer games Bill brought are new.
2. Neither / Either / Both of the boys want to watch the documentary.
3. Alan likes all / either / both Indian and Chinese food.
Both and all are usually followed by a noun or of + noun / pronoun. When they refer to the
subject of the sentence, they can be placed at the beginning of the sentence or before the
main verb but after the verb be.
All/Both (of) my classmates can speak French. My classmates can all/both speak French.
All/Both of them can speak French.

We use neither:
• in affirmative sentences to give them a
negative meaning. It takes a singular or
plural verb. It shows that something is not
true for either of two people or things.
Fred and Tom are lazy.
Neither of them exercises/exercise.

We use none:
• in affirmative sentences to give them a
negative meaning. It takes a singular or plural
verb. It shows that something is not true for
more than two people or things.
My friends and I are travelling to London next
week. None of us has/have ever been to
Great Britain before.

Neither and none are usually followed by of + noun / pronoun.
Neither/None of the children like chicken.
Neither/None of them like chicken.

عوده لفهرس القواعد {Grammar}
♣️ قد ترغب بزيارة  قناة ثمرات اللغة

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2UK10Kh

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