السبت، 20 أكتوبر 2018

Similes التشبيهات | Traveller 3 | Vocabulary شرح مفردات ثاني ثانوي

SIMILES التشبيهات
A. Read the article on page 28 and find similes with the word as.

B. Match the two halves of the similes below. Then complete the sentences 1-5 with some of the similes.
as light        as a wolf
as quiet       as a bee
as good       as a mouse
as free         as a sheet
as white      as a bird
as hungry   as a feather
as luick       as gold
as busy        as lightning

1. After passing his exams and with the whole summer ahead of him, Salah felt as free as a bird.
2. What's for dinner? I'm as hungry as a wolf.
3. Iman has been as busy as a bee getting everything ready for dinner.
4. The box is not heavy at all; it's as light as a feather.
5. My children are usually noisy, but today they have been as good as gold / as quiet as a mouse.

عوده لـفهرس ⇐  مفردات Traveller 3

from ثمرات اللغة Language Thamarat https://ift.tt/2S3xSML

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