Idioms Starts With T
Take a backseat
Take a powder
Take a shine to
Take it ti the hoop
Take off your hat to someone
Take someone under your wing
Take the bitter with the sweet
Take the bull by the horns
Take the cake
Take with a grain of salt
Talk through your hat
That's the way the ball bounces
Through the grapevine
Throw a curve
Throw a monkey wrench into the works
Throw caution to the wind
Throw cold water on something
Throw in the towel
Throw the baby out with the bathwater
Throw the book at someone
Throw your hat into the ring
Throw your weight around
Tickled pink
Tickle your funny bone
Tied to someone's apron strings
Tighten your belt
Till the cows come home
Trip of the iceberg
Too big for your britches
Too many cooks spoil the broth
Top banana
Top drawer
Tough and go
Touch something with a ten-foot pole
Trip the light fantastic
Turn over a new leaf
Turn the other cheek
Turn the tables
Turn up your nose at someone
from Language Thamarat